
GRAFFITITV AND INSPIRED BY NATURE present Jenni's Kitchen- Season 1


“I’ve always loved feeding people. When I learned that was an actual job, I knew I wanted to be a chef and have a restaurant someday. I practiced on my family (sorry!!!) with interesting ingredient combinations and menus made of foolscap paper covered with plastic wrap. Building a career in food has made so many of my dreams come true and I love the twists and turns my path has taken!”

Stories with Leah Dorian

Artist and StoryTeller,  Leah Marie Dorion is an interdisciplinary Metis artist raised in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. A teacher, painter, filmmaker and published writer, Leah views her Metis heritage as providing her with a unique bridge for knowledge between all people.

2 Seasons x 8 episodes available for licensing.

Annual Award Videos

The APEGS Awards highlight Saskatchewan engineers and geoscientists for their contributions to the public and the professions. They showcase and recognize professional excellence and exemplary competence and conduct.

Annual Awards Videos

ACEC-SK Annual Awards acknowledge lifetime achievement, future leaders, sustained and inspirational mentorship, plus member firm community initiatives. The Brian Eckel awards showcase exceptional consulting engineering and geoscience projects by ACEC-SK member firms.

NOW in Our Third Season

Built around the natural calendar, the Solstice Speaker Series is a four-part series sponsored by SGI. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the emotion and changes that happens each season. Topics are current, thought provoking, and designed to create active participation towards Truth and Reconciliation.